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Traditions from Around the World with Luna!

It’s that time of year again where family and friends come together and celebrate the Holidays. In the United States of America, many people just celebrated Thanksgiving at the end of November, an annual national holiday to celebrate the harvest and everything you’re thankful for! 

Luna has taken us on so many wonderful adventures where we have learned about other traditions from around the world! This month, we will revisit some of the places Luna and her friends explored and reflect on traditions from these places that have brought people together! Let’s go on an adventure, shall we?

First Up Let’s Travel to Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico City is a place full of colorful art including paintings and murals. Mexico City is also known for throwing incredible celebrations that bring everyone together – these are called Fiestas which translates to parties! 

It is a Mexican tradition at these Fiestas for the host to build a Piñata for their guests. Piñatas are decorative paper sculptures of many different shapes, sizes, patterns and colors. Inside they are filled with lots of candies, treats and even toys. They are beautiful to display, but the real fun is had when party guests come together to smash open the Piñata blindfolded with a stick and the candy spills out for everyone to enjoy!

Traditions are what they are because family members down the line kept passing them on to new generations! Family traditions, like hanging Pinata’s at Fiestas, are something everyone should cherish! Parents can do fun activities with their kids at their next family party, just like this scavenger hunt!

Now Let’s Go to Delhi, India

Luna and her friends visited Delhi to celebrate their friend Gaja’s birthday! In Delhi, people celebrate birthdays by getting together with family and friends to party with music, games and cake! Celebrating birthdays is an important tradition that many people around the world take part in. Not only do celebrating birthdays bring people together, but these birthday parties also help create memories that will last a lifetime!

Invite your guests to travel the world with you and Luna! Use the decorations and activity to create your very own Let’s Go Luna! themed party.

Time to Head to Moscow, Russia

In Russia, they have quite the tradition in order to keep warm and cozy while braving the snowy weather! They have what are called Valenki which are traditional Russian footwear usually worn for walking through the snow. They also wear what is called an Ushanka which is a warm winter hat. Once family and friends are all bundled up in their warm winter clothing, they’ll enjoy the snowy weather together! Whether that’s taking a Troika sleigh through the mountains or enjoying a warm meal together, Russian traditions are something to be admired!

Join Luna and her friends on travel adventures on PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS mobile app from your own home! Be sure to follow along for more adventures on Facebook and Instagram. Share your experiences learning with Luna on social media and tag #LearnWithLuna!

Until our next travel adventure!