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Travelling to Museums Around the World with Xavier Riddle!

Although we can’t travel through time like Xavier, Yadina, and Brad, our little ones can learn about new places, heroes, and historical figures from the comfort of their own home! 

Today, we want to take your little ones on a trip to famous museums around the world that include some of our favorite heroes from the show. 

Vatican Museums (Vatican City, Italy)

The first stop on our famous museum tour is Italy! Have you played one of our Guess the Artifact games on the Xavier Riddle Facebook and Instagram? Well at the Vatican Museums in Vatican City you can see works and objects that popes have collected over the centuries! From Renaissance artwork to highly-detailed sculptures, there are over 20,000 works of art.

Now that we’re all thinking of ancient artifacts, test your little ones and see if they can guess our most recent Guess The Artifact quiz with Marie Curie below!

Louvre Museum (Paris, France)

The Louvre Museum, or more commonly known as the Louvre, is the world’s largest, most-visited art museum and a historic monument in Paris, France. With a collection that spans from ancient civilizations to the mid-19th century, the Louvre’s painting collection is one of the richest in the world!

Did you know one of our heroes Leonardo da Vinci has his art on view in this museum? Leonardo Da Vinci is known as one of the greatest painters of all time and the ultimate renaissance man for his genius across multiple disciplines. Xavier discovers that just like Leonardo, it’s okay to try many different activities and that trying different things will help you with another!

Florence Nightingale Museum (London, United Kingdom)

The Florence Nightingale Museum is located in London, UK, and celebrates the life and work of the first female member of the Royal Statistical Society. Florence was a British nurse, social reformer, and statistician best known as the founder of modern nursing. Visitors can celebrate the life of Florence Nightingale and discover all about her childhood, her work during the Crimean War, and how she campaigned for better healthcare for ordinary people.

Florence dedicated herself to her work and ensured she was doing everything possible to help others feel their best. When Xavier, Yadina, and Brad travelled back in time to meet Florence, she was determined to help get her neighbor’s little dog back on his feet and treat his sore paw. Our little heroes learn that with determination and commitment, they’ll always help others as best as they can!

Armstrong Museum (Ohio, United States)

The Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Ohio, United States was created in the hometown of one of our heroes! Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon in 1969. The Armstrong Museum was created for visitors to understand the contributions Ohio made to the history of aviation and space exploration, but also as a tribute to Neil Armstrong. 

Just like how Neil Armstrong took “one small step for a man” and a “giant leap for mankind”, Yadina learns in this episode that she can also try new things, one step at a time! 

Interested in learning more about historical artifacts, places, and heroes from all over the world? Join Xavier, Yadina, and Brad on their adventures on PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS mobile app from your own home! Share your experiences travelling to new places with Xavier on social media and tag @XavierRiddleHQ!