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Watch Now: Make Your Own “Hello, Jack!” DIY Bird Feeder

Cast of Hello Jack in a gazebo with yellow flowers surrounding it

Calling all kindness ambassadors! Are you looking for a fun way to spread some kindness this summer? Hello, Jack! can help!

If so you’re in luck, because we have a fun new craft straight from Clover Grove that we’re ready to share with you all. In this brand-new Hello, Jack! video, you’ll get to learn everything you need to know about making your own DIY Bird Feeder!  

One of the best ways to show kindness is by building something special for someone, or something, that you love. This lovely little bird feeder is the perfect way to share a little kindness with the birds in your own backyard. This craft is a ton of fun, and perfect for kids and families to try this summer! 

How can you make this amazing craft? You can watch the instructional video, and/or follow along with these instructions:  


Hello, Jack! DIY Bird Feeder Instructions 

You’ll Need:  

  • A recycled soup can (Ask an adult to remove the label and smooth the edges!) 
  • Paint 
  • Paint Brushes 
  • Ribbon (At least 3 feet long) 
  • Tape 
  • Popsicle sticks 



 Step One: Paint Your Recycled Soup Can  

 To start this craft, pick out your favorite paint colors and use your paint brush to decorate the outside of your soup can. Feel free to use whatever colors you’d like and get creative! 


Step Two: Cut Your Ribbon 

 Next, have an adult cut a three-foot length ribbon. Tie this ribbon around the center of the can and secure it with a knot. This ribbon is what you will use to hang your bird feeder up outside.  


Step Three: Add Popsicle Stick 

 Next, add a piece of tape to one end of a popsicle stick. Put the taped end inside of your soup can, pushing the sticky side down so the tape is stuck to the inside of the can. This will act as a little perch for your new bird friends!  


Step Four: Enjoy Your Bird Feeder 

 Now you are all done! You can add a small amount of bird seed to the inside of the can and hang it outside from a tree branch. Sit and wait, and soon enough, birds should come by for a visit. 


Watch the New Hello, Jack! Special and Shorts 

 If you’re ready for even more kindness, you’re in luck: There is a brand-new Hello, Jack! The Kindness Show special, plus four new shorts, streaming now on Apple TV+ 

 In the new special Jack and his friends are out to solve a kindness mystery, uncovering who is behind the random acts of kindness taking place in Clover Grove. And, in our new shorts, Jack meets with some real-world kids who are spreading acts of kindness in their own hometowns as Kindness Ambassadors!  

 What are you waiting for? Click here to stream the new Hello, Jack! special and shorts NOW on Apple TV+!